My First Month

It’s been almost a month since I have arrived in England and everything is going great. It’s crazy to think that I am actually here and a lot of the time I forget that I am in England. Since I have arrived a lot has happened.

The first full week that I was here we went to a place called the Lake District for training. It was one of the most beautiful places that I have ever been to. While I was there I got to meet all the other gap year workers and made a lot of friends. I immediately bonded with the other 18-year-old girls since we all could easily relate to each other. This week of training was basically a team bonding week. Since most of us haven’t met each other before arriving here it was essential for us to get to know the people that we will be working with this year. While in the lakes we hiked, climbed a 16 meter high tree, shot bow and arrows, and team bonding exercises. Since I am naturally a shy person I was amazed by how welcoming everyone was. It truly felt by the end of the week that we were family.


The second week was training as well but a more practical side. We learned about the cultural differences of being in England and we got to practice on how to do an assembly. Which is where the whole school or certain grades come together to learn about God. Since a big part of what we do is in schools we often get to lead the assembly so we learned how to conduct one for a primary and secondary school. We got to meet with our church leaders and learn what we would be doing here for the year as well.

I am excited to get to pour into the youth at my church. I have met most of them and can’t wait to continue building relationships with them. My partner and I have already been thinking of a bunch of ideas on how to grow the youth ministry here in our church and to deepen the students relationship with Christ.

I want to thank everyone for praying for me and I ask if you could continue to pray for not only me but for the work that is being and will be done here. There are a lot of people here who are giving up so much to serve the people of Tees Valley so if you could continue to pray over us as we go throughout this year that would be amazing!

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